You're a racist! Let's keep it real! Are you really that unaware? Have you seen the things you've sent me? Obama as buckweet from the little rascals. Remember that? No, that's called racism. Not an American? You "birthers" wouldn't be saying this garbage to the man if he were White. Did you know McCain was born overseas? Oh but he's White so it's okay. How come you don't want to see his birth certificate? Oh right he's white so it's cool. If you're a White republican you can do no wrong in you're racist little White boy mind. The main objective of the racist right wing republican tea bagger party that you belong to is to make this president, because he's Black, a one term president. That was the mission statement from the right wing after he was sworn into office. A record number of obstructions that hurt the American people; caused by the republican racist right wing tea bagging dickhead republican party that you belong to. All because he's Black and he threatens your White male supremacy power structure. A Black president threatens you bums because your white skin and male gender might not be enough anymore. You might actually have to use your brain and compete for once; and it scares the shit out of you!
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